Breathing In Belting

Belting is a powerful and loud voice quality. The power of belting is not a result of excessive air pressure to the true vocal folds but a longer closure time of the true vocal folds. Adjusting the airflow to the ”settings” of belting in the larynx and in the vocal Continue Reading

Correct Breathing In Singing?

There is no singing without breathing. Breathing is often one of the first topics discussed during singing lessons. There are also lots of articles and videos about breathing in singing in the web. When talking about singing and breathing you can’t help noticing a term breath support that has been Continue Reading

How Is The Voice Produced?

Voice production is a complex function even though it can often feel very easy. When simplified, the whole voice production can be categorized in a cooperation of three different sections: Breath; the outflowing air makes the true vocal folds vibrate. Vocal fold vibration; creates pitch and overtones. Vocal tract; by Continue Reading